Mission Partners

We are privileged to partner with a number of individuals and organisations who are working around the world to share the good news of Jesus and to show His love and justice.


Claire Gingell

Claire has been working in Mostar for many years and is currently working with Brankovac Church, East Mostar. She is involved in evangelism and discipleship amongst adults as well as young people through regular groups, clubs and residential camps.

S & J

S & J are serving in church based ministry in South Asia.

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Dave and Mary

Dave and Mary are seeking to support local believers. Dave has taken on a senior leadership role, while Mary home schools their children and has launched a healthcare outreach project.

Junior, Mirjam, Annika and Aaron Faisbanchs

Junior and Mirjam are leading the Hope Church a international church planting in South Germany. Most attending are refugees from Africa, Iran, Afghanistan and Eastern Europe nations.

Samuel and Sarah Yeboah

Samuel and Sarah established and now run Beacon International School, which seeks to provide a Christian-based education for children, who they pray will one day be a godly influence on Ghanaian society.

Emmanuel Gill

Emmanuel works in Harrow with London City Mission. He is leading a team of missionaries to envision, equip and mobilise churches to reach their communities with the good news of Jesus Christ.


Julie Knox

Julie has been called to use her journalistic background to tell the stories of how God is at work through the ministry of Logos Hope, a book ship that sails to port communities all over the world, sharing knowledge, help, and the hope of Christ.

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Tim Allan

Tim is Serving in Mission’s first International Communications Director and is part of the agency’s leadership team. He works from home but, as and when circumstances allow, travels to some of the more than 70 countries in which SIM workers serve. Tim came to faith at Emmanuel and has been a member of the church for more than 20 years.



Open Doors

Open Doors serves persecuted Christians around the world. Often working with local partners, they provide vital support, resources and training in places where Christians are at risk and under threat.


Fountain of Peace Children’s Foundation

Fountain of Peace provides hope and a secure future, in a Christian environment, for orphaned, abandoned and other critically vulnerable children of Western Uganda.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Wycliffe Bible Translators partners with local churches and communities, working alongside them to make it possible for all peoples to discover the Bible for themselves in their own language.